Hops vs. Grapes: A Contest to Depict the Greatest Battle of All Time


Are you a beer or wine person?

At Sona Creamery and Wine Bar in Washington’s Eastern Market neighborhood, you can be both. Their clean and modern space features a Boschian mural by local artist Patrick Owens depicting a vast battle pitting an army of grapes against hop invaders, complete with artillery and an air battle. And we have a great contest for all you military tacticians out there – armchair or otherwise! Write 500 words or less explaining who is winning and the context of the battle and email it to editor (at) warontherocks (dot) com with “GRAPES VS HOPS” in the subject line.

There will be five winners. The top winner will get a $50 gift card to Sona and a WOTR t-shirt. The other four will get just the t-shirt, but all will be invited to a happy hour at Sona where we’ll do a reading of the winning entries.

Deadline is 6pm EDT this Friday, April 3rd! You can look at the slideshow below but we recommend you open the linked high-resolution images in another tab and REALLY ZOOM IN because there is A LOT of detail

High-resolution image here and SUPER high-resolution image here.



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Click to enlarge