No Muppet, No Muppet. You’re the Muppet.
This week we do our best impersonation of the Georgetown set recording from 1789 and lamenting the world gone to hell. We break down Pompeo’s trip to North Korea, Theresa May’s Brexit woes, and the NATO summit which has already been overrun by chaos Muppets. With so much White House mayhem, we focus on Trump’s upcoming meeting with Putin, and Radha gets on her soapbox about MAVNI and suitability screenings. Need a pop-culture escape? We suggest Crazy Rich Asians and Sharp Objects.
- Dahlia Lithwick, “Chaos Theory,” Slate
- Daniel Russel, “The Singapore Honeymoon Is Over,” Foreign Policy
- Jane Vaynman and Vipin Narang, “There are signs North Korea is still working on its nuclear program. Here’s why ‘denuclearization’ is so problematic.” Washington Post
- Nick Wadhams, “Inside Pompeo’s Fraught North Korea Trip,” Bloomberg
- Alex Hunt and Brian Wheeler, “Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU,” BBC
- Silvia Amaro, “There’s now a real chance the UK won’t get a Brexit deal—here’s what that means for markets,” CNBC
- John Cassidy, “Boris Johnson’s resignation can’t disguise the harsh reality of Brexit,” New Yorker
- Robert Hutton, “U.K. Labour Open to Brexit Referendum If May’s Deal Fails,” Bloomberg
- Mark Newton, Rachel Rizzo, Julianne Smith, and Jim Townsend, “More Than Burden Sharing,” CNAS
- Kathleen Hicks, “Press Briefing: Allied and Partner Contributions to NATO: Redefining Security Investment,” CSIS
- Heather Hurlburt, “Even the Best-Case Scenario for What Trump Does at the NATO Summit Is Pretty Grim,” New York Magazine
- Victoria Newland, “In Two Summits, a Moment of Truth for Trump,” New York Times
- Tara Copp, “Here’s the bottom line on the future of MAVNI: Many foreign-born recruits may soon be out,” Military Times
- Jeff Schogol and Adam Linehan, “No, President Trump Is Not Purging The Military Of Immigrants,” Task & Purpose
- Beth J. Asch, Jennie W. Wegner, Troy D. Smith, “The Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) Program,” RAND
- Ben Mathis-Lilley, “The Pentagon Says It’s Not Purging Immigrant Recruits, but Some Evidence Says Otherwise,” Slate
- Alex Ward, “Why Trump may not be to blame for immigrants being booted from the military,” Vox
- Alex Horton, “ICE is moving to deport a veteran after Mattis assured that would not happen,” Washington Post