An Index of Newly Declassified Bin Laden Documents
ODNI Title: Answer to Questions about Custody of Children and Related issues
To/from: ?/Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman
Date: December/January, 2008/2009 (Muharam 1430)
ODNI Title: Chief of Staff Committee
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Comments on the question of Abu Mus’ab
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Course of Islamic Study for Soldiers and Members
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Dear Brother Abu al-‘Abbas
To/From: Abu al-‘Abbas/Raja
Date: ?
[English and Arabic mismatch. Arabic duplicates doc with ODNI Title “Dear brother Abu-‘Abdallah al-Haj ‘Uthman.”]
ODNI Title: Dear Brother Abu-‘Abdallah al-Haj ‘Uthman
To/From: Abu-‘Abdallah al-Haj ‘Uthman/ ?
Date: 17 December 2007
ODNI Title: Dear Brother Shaykh Mahmud
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)/ ?
Date: 3 December 2010
ODNI Title: Dear Honorable Brother Shaykh Azmaray
To/From: Shaykh Azmaray (Usama bin Laden)/ ?
Date: 5 March 2008
ODNI Title: Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Disclaimer
To/From: ?/ Tribal Leaders of al-‘Ubayd in Diyala
Date: 28 April (year not given)
ODNI Title: Do not ignore the plank and look for the speck
To/From: ?/Abu Yahya al-Libi
Date: 3 January 2010
ODNI Title: Draft Speech about Iran and America with Mahmud’s Comments
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: From Abu Ma’adh
To/From: (his dad, mom, and her aunt)/Abu Ma’adh and Um Ma’adh
Date: 6 January 2011 (2 Safar 1432)
ODNI Title: Give the tribes more than they can handle
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: His Eminence Shaykh Mahmud
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman/ Ahmad
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Honorable brother
To/From: ?/ Abu Abdullah (Usama bin Laden)
Date: ?
ODNI Title: In Kuram, Kandahar, and Khost, measures thereon for all of Afghanistan
To/From: ?/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: In regard to the money that is in Sudan – Bin Laden’s Will
To/From: ?/Usama Bin Laden
Date: ?
ODNI Title: In the name of Allah
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman) and Abu Yahya/ ?
Date: ?
[English and Arabic mismatch. English duplicates ODNI document titled “In the name of Allah, the merciful the compassionate”]
ODNI Title: In the name of Allah, the merciful the compassionate
To/From: ?/?
Date: (After April 2011)
ODNI Title: In the name of God, the merciful
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Jihad in Pakistan
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Kind Brother
To/From: ?/?
Date: 25 January 2010
ODNI Title: Letter about matter of the Islamic Maghreb
To/From: ?/Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr (Salah al-Din)
Date: 5 March 2010
[English and Arabic mismatch. Arabic duplicates Arabic doc with ODNI Title “Our honorable Shaykh.”]
ODNI Title: Letter from Abu al-Tayyib
To/From: Shaykh Zamaray/ Abu al-Tayyib
Date: 29 February 2008
ODNI Title: Letter from Basir to the Brother in Command
To/From: ?/ Basir
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter from Brother ‘Atiyah to Shaykh Abi al-Zubayr
To/From: Shaykh Abi al-Zubayr/ Brother ‘Atiyah (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)
Date: 11 December 2010
ODNI Title: Letter from Muhammad Tayib
To/From: ?/Muhammad Tayib
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter from one of our mujahidin
To/From: Abu-Yahya al-Libi/ Jamal al-Din
Date: 10 January 2010
ODNI Title: Letter on the First Day of Rabi’al-Akbar
To/From: ?/?
Date: 17 March 2010
ODNI Title: Letter regarding working in Islamic countries
To/From: ?/?
Date: 17 March 2010
ODNI Title: Letter to Abdallah and ‘A’ishah
To/From: Abdallah and ‘A’ishah/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to Abu Basir
To/From: Abu Basir/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to Abu Khalid
To/From: Abu Khalid/ Abu ‘Abdallah (Usama bin Laden)
Date: 20 January 2011
ODNI Title: Letter to Abu Nawaf
To/From: Abu Nawaf/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to Abu Salah
To/From: Abu Salah/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to Karim
To/From: Karim/ ?
Date: 18 October 2007
ODNI Title: Letter to Mawlawi ‘Abd-al Aziz
To/From: Mawlawi ‘Abd-al-‘Aziz/ ?
Date: 3 December 2002
ODNI Title: Letter to my caring family
To/From: ?/?
Date: 05 February 2011
ODNI Title: Letter to my dear Brother Shaykh Abu-Muhammad
To/From: Shaykh Abu-Muhammad/?
Date: 07 May 2008
ODNI Title: Letter to my dear brother
To/From: Muhammad Aslam/ ?
Date: 23 January 2012
ODNI Title: Letter to my dear father
To/From: (his dad)/Abd-al-Latif
Date: Rejab 24 (unknown year)
ODNI Title: Letter to my two noble brothers, Abu Muhammad and Abu Khalid
To/From: Abu Muhammad and Abu Khalid/ Abu ‘Abdallah (Usama bin Laden)
Date: 14 January 2011
ODNI Title: Letter to Occupying Countries
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to our esteemed Shaykhs
To/From: ?/ Al-Husayn Abu al-Faraj, al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to our honorable Shaykh
To/From: ?/Abu Yahya
Date: 24 January 2010 (9 Safar 1431)
ODNI Title: Letter to our Honored Commander of the Faithful
To/From: ?/Usama bin Laden
Date: 5 November 2010
ODNI Title: Letter to Shaykh Abu Muhammad
To/From: Shaykh Abu Muhammad/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to the generous brother Shaykh Abu Muhammad
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to Shaykh Abu Muhammad
To/From: Shaykh Abu Muhammad/ ?
Date: 17 August 2007
ODNI Title: Letter to Shaykh Abu-‘Abdallah al-Shafi’i
To/From: Shaykh Abu-‘Abdallah al-Shafi’i/ Ayman al-Zawahiri
Date: 26 January 2006 (26 Dhu al-Hujjah 1426)
ODNI Title: Letter to Shaykh Azmarai
To/From: Shaykh Azmarai (Usama bin Laden)/ ?
Date: 09 January 2009 (13 Muharram 1430)
ODNI Title: Letter to the eminent Shaykh
To/From: ?/The Shari’a committee
Date: 15 April 2009
ODNI Title: Letter to the honorable brother Shaykh Mahmud
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)/ ?
Date: 27 August 2010 (17 Ramadan 1431)
ODNI Title: Letter to the Islamic nation at large
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to the Muslim Nation on Eid al-Adha
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Letter to wife
To/From: (his wife)/ Abu-‘Abdallah
Date: 3 January 2011
ODNI Title: Liberating humans before liberating countries
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Message from one of Shaykh Hamid’s students
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Mufti’s fatwa regarding the alliance of Shari’ah courts
To/From: Brothers in Jaysh al-‘Usrah/ Shaykh ‘Umar Ayman Abu-Bakir
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Mujahidin Shura council in Iraq
To/From: ?/ Media Committee for Mujahidin Shura
Date: 17 June 2006 ( 21 Jumada I-Ula 1427)
ODNI Title: My dear Brother ‘Adnan
To/From: Adnan/ Mahmud
Date: 15 March 2007
ODNI Title: My Generous Brother Tawfiq
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: My Muslim Nation
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: O ye who believe
To/From: Muslims in Pakistan and Afghanistan/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Our honorable Shaykh
To/From: ?/Abd-al-Hakim al-Afghani
Date: 12 Februrary 2008
ODNI Title: Our Respected Shaykh
To/From: ?/’Atiyah (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)
Date: 22 August 2009
ODNI Title: Please Give Me Your News
To/From: ?/ Abu ‘Abdallah (Usama bin Laden)
Date: Wednesday 29 December 2010
[English and Arabic mismatch.]
ODNI Title: Portion of letter to Waziristan
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Praise be to God the Lord of all worlds
To/From: ?/ Abu-Muhammad Abu-Bakr Bin-Muhammad al-Shakwi al-Muslimi Bishku
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Praise is to Allah
To/From: ?/?
Date: Post-2011 Tunisian Uprising
ODNI Title: Praise is to God of all creations
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman) and Shaykh Abu Yahya/?
Date: ?
[English and Arabic mismatch.]
ODNI Title: Praise is to Allah the God of all creation
To/From: Shaykh Mawlawi/ Mahmud
Date: 8 January 2011
ODNI Title: Ramadan Greetings from Abu Abdallah al-Halabi to Khalid
To/From: Khalid/ Abu ‘Abdallah al-Halabi
Date: 15 Ramadan (unknown year)
ODNI Title: Recommendations for the Mujahidin Entering Afghanistan
To/From: Mujahidin Entering Afghanistan/ Abu Yahya
Date: Tuesday 8 June 2010 (25 Rabi’ al-Akhir 1431)
ODNI Title: Report on our visit
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Request to Carry Out a Martyr Operation
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
[Probably page 4 of a document that includes ODNI titles “Suggestions Dealing with Work” and “Up Until Now.”]
ODNI Title: Respected Brother, kind Shaykh, Zamrai, Sahib
To/From: Zamrai Sahib (Usama bin Laden)
Date: 27 Rabi’ Althani (unknown year)
ODNI Title: Second Letter to Muslim brothers in Iraq
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Some Advice for the Mujahidin
To/From: ?/ Abu Yahya al-Libi
Date: 10 April 2010 (25 Rabi’ Althani 1431)
ODNI Title: Some reactions to the speech of al-Hafiz Abu Talhah al-Almani
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Suggestions Dealing with Work
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
[Probably page 1 of a document that includes ODNI titles “Request to Carry out a Martyr Operation” and “Up Until Now.”]
ODNI Title: Summary of the points proposed in the session
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Talking points
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
To/From: ?/Pakistan’s Taliban Charter with comments from Shaykh Abu Yahya and Shaykh Mahmud al-Hasan
Date: ?
ODNI Title: The America Speech
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: The Army of Islam
To/From: ?/Army of Islam
Date: 24 May 2007 (8 Jumada Al-Awal 1428)
ODNI Title: The Eulogy of the Nation’s Maryr 30 June 2006
To/From: ?/ Usama bin Laden
Date: 30 June 2006
ODNI Title: The Leadership of the Organization
To/From: Usama Bin Laden/ Abu-Mus’ab ‘Abd-al-Wadud
Date: ?
ODNI Title: The presence of Mujahidin spouses in the field
To/From: ?/?
Date: 31 December 2007 (22 Al Hijjah 1428)
ODNI Title: The Series of Revealing the Hidden Corners from the Heritage of the Ancestors and the Treasures of the Offspring
To/From: ?/ Text (The Message Of The Attributes) by al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin ‘Ali al-Khatib al-Baghdidi
Date: 21 March 2005 (11 Safar 1426)
ODNI Title: The Weakness of the Dollar
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: There has been a leap in the Arabic world’s consciousness
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To Abu-al-Faraj and ‘Abd-al-Hadi
To/From: Abu-alFaraj and ‘Abd-al-Hadi
Date: 19 November 2002 (14 Ramadan 1423)
ODNI Title: To Emir Al- Mu’minin
To/From: ?/?
Date: 25 September 2010 (16 Shawal 1431)
ODNI Title: To Muslims in Yemen
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To my noble brother Hajj ‘Uthman
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To my Precious Father
To/From: Usama bin Laden/ Sa’ad Bin Usama
Date: 15 August 2008
ODNI Title: To my Son Abu ‘Abdallah
To/From: Abu ‘Abdallah/?
Date: 16 December 2007
ODNI Title: To our honorable Emir the Emir of all Believers
To/From: ?/ Usama Bin Laden
Date: 3 December 2010 (27 Dhu I-Hijja 1431)
ODNI Title: To our people in Libya
To/From: ?/ Jamal Ibrahim Ishtwi al-Misrati (aka Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)
Date: 25 February 2011 (22 Rabi’ al-Awal 1432)
ODNI Title: To our respected Shaykhs
To/From: ?/ Asad
Date: 5 September 2002 (28 Jumada Al Thani 1423)
ODNI Title: To the American People
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To the dear mother
To/From: ?/Abu-‘Abdallah al-Halabi
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To the father and the mother
To/From: ?/ ‘Abd-al-Latif
Date: 13 Shawwal (unknown year)
ODNI Title: To the honorable brother Mahmud
To/From: Mahmud/ ‘Atiyaa (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)
Date: Mid-March 2011
ODNI Title: To the Islamic Community in General
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To the kind brother, Shaykh Mahmud
To/From: Shaykh Mahmud (Atiyya Abu Abd al-Rahman)/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: To the noble brother al-Hajj ‘Uthman
To/From: al-Hajj ‘Uthman/ ?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Tunis
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
ODNI Title: Up until now
To/From: ?/?
Date: ?
[Probably page 2 of a document that includes ODNI titles “Request to Carry out a Martyr Operation” and “Suggestions Dealing with Work.”]
ODNI Title: When can someone put an end to those who practice polytheism
To/From: ?/ Sulayman Bin-Nasir al-‘Ulwan
Date: 1 March 2004
This index was compiled by Sumaya Almajdoub and Will McCants and with special thanks to Joe Gabbard. Symaa Almajdoub is a researcher on Middle Eastern affairs. Will McCants is the director of the a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy and director of the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World. He is the author of The ISIS Apocalypse.