Machine Failing: The Linkage Between Software Development and Military Accidents

Jeffrey Ding and Rick Landgraf

Horns of a DilemmaJan 10

Exploring the Implications of Precise Mass

Christopher Preble, Zack Cooper, and Melanie Marlowe

Net AssessmentJan 9

Davy Crockett and the Boy Scouts: The Korean War and Mismanaging Protracted Conflict

Andrew Forney and Rick Landgraf

Horns of a DilemmaJan 3

U.S. Free Association with Greenland: A Bad Deal

Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen

In Brief: How Long Until Defense Tech Limited Partners See Returns?

Lauren Bedula, Jeff Crusey, and Stephen Rodriguez

Can Europe Fight for Taiwan?

Luis Simón and Toshi Yoshihara

The Mayhem of Russia’s “Research” Fleet

Nurlan Aliyev

The Missing Middle: Emphasizing Operational Expertise in the U.S. Air Force

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The Cost of Sovereignty? The Future of Britain’s Defense Industrial Base

William Reynolds

Rewind and Reconnoiter: Civic Education and Military Cohesion

Walter Haynes

Dual-Use Is a Strategy, Not a Category (Nor a Trap)

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