Buried in the Sands of the Ogaden: Lessons from an Obscure Cold War Flashpoint in Africa

Figure 1: Former Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selaisse Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, once quipped that “SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty] lies buried in the sands of the Ogaden.” The Ogaden War (1977–1978) between Somalia and Ethiopia upended the Cold War geostrategic balance in the Horn of Africa, and bore tragic consequences for the region that linger today. While many observers associate the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on Christmas Eve of 1979 with the end of détente, historians now recognize that it was the Soviet intervention in the Ogaden conflict, for American decision-makers like Brzezinski and … Continue reading Buried in the Sands of the Ogaden: Lessons from an Obscure Cold War Flashpoint in Africa